Pine Chapel seeks to minister to your entire family. We have many ministry opportunities available which we have established to help to lead you in your spiritual walk.
All ministries at Pine Chapel are planned to present a clear presentation of the gospel with a call to respond to accept Jesus Christ as Savior, or to rededicate ourselves to our prior decision to follow Christ and live a Godly life.

Involving adults and students in world evangelization will change their hearts forever. The mission ministry will open their eyes to the need to share Christ with their brothers and sisters around the world.
After participating in a mission project, most participants no longer believe that their home country, school, neighborhood, or network of friends are the center of the universe, as their eyes and hearts have been forever changed to the need of Christ in the lost world around them.
Our desire is not only to reach people for Christ in our own community, but also to reach people for Christ globally.
The New Testament uses the word Deacon in a general sense to describe Christians as servants and also in a particular way as an officer set aside for service (1 Timothy 3:8-13, Acts 6:3). They are expected to be men of God that adhere to Godly values.
Deacons are nominated by the congregation and chosen by other Deacons. The prospective Deacons are then voted on by the church and approved. New members of the church are assigned to a Deacon to help them assimilate into the programs and ministries of the church and to use their God-given gifts and abilities for service in the church.
If you feel that you have this particular call, please speak with our Chairman of Deacons for further information.

Bible Study and Sunday School
On Sunday morning at 9:45, we have Bible Study time (Sunday School) for all ages, from infants to senior adults.
You will be greeted by smiling faces who will help you find a Bible Study class that is appropriate for your age and interests.
You do not need to know a lot about the Bible or being a Christian to enjoy this small group time and get to know others.
Our teachers and class members will make you feel welcome. It is a refreshing place to be immersed in God’s Word and grow in it’s rich instruction.
There are classes for children, teens, young adults, Adults, women-only,Senior couples, Senior women, and Senior men.
We invite you to visit these classes until you find the one that fits your needs.
Bus Ministry
The Bible says, “Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.” (Luke 14:23).
We realize that some people are unable to attend church services and events on their own,
so we have made a way for these people to come to church.
Every Sunday morning, Sunday evening and Wednesday evening, we pick up people in our area and bring them to church.
After church is over, we load up the buses and take everyone back home.

Worship Recordings and Audio Library
We routinely make audio Compact Disc (CD) recordings of the Morning Worship Service and other special events and have been doing so since Christmas 2006.
Our (newly created) audio library also includes recordings of the 2006 Adult and Youth Christmas Musicals, the 2007 Easter Cantata, and the Youth's "Maundy Thursday" service.
If you would like to borrow a copy of any of these recordings, request a personal copy of any recorded service (Love Offering appreciated), or if you would like to request that a particular service be recorded, please send a request by e-mail.